Mission Statement

In the Spring term of 2020-21 we began work reviewing the Academy mission statement with a range of stakeholders: pupils, staff and governors. We all wanted the statement to include our Academy motto ‘Let Your Light Shine’. This is taken from St Matthew’s Gospel [Matthew 5:15-16], and encapsulates our belief in the uniqueness of every individual and is central to all that we do. Following the review, we are pleased to present our new mission statement which we feel really reflects the St Matthew Academy Ethos that is lived out daily by pupils and staff alike.

 St Matthew says ‘let your light shine.’

At St Matthew Academy we let our light shine by:

· Growing our inclusive, caring Catholic community

· Nurturing faith, discovering talents and cultivating ambition

· Transforming each other through integrity, courage and service

 - enabling everyone at St Matthew Academy to flourish.


  • Pupils are provided with a plethora of opportunities that enable them to become successful, confident learners of the future, within the classroom and beyond. Enrichment activities alongside targeted academic intervention, dedicated pastoral support and challenge are all important strands in this provision
  • All aspects of Academy life are defined by the high standards staff and pupils are held to. We expect our learning environment to be well-ordered and pupils to thrive on the challenges presented to them. This enables every learner to achieve pastorally, spiritually and academically; leading to outstanding achievements
  • At the heart of our Academy aims is our belief in promoting an ‘inclusive, caring, Catholic community.’ This means we welcome pupils and staff from every faith and none; we encourage everyone to take responsibility for their actions and words; we develop our students respect for other faiths and we learn together living out our Gospel Values
  • We encourage our staff and young people to see themselves as active learners – to inspire and motivate each other to achieve and exceed their potential. Working in partnership with our parents and staff; we play a crucial role in nurturing and supporting every learner, to ensure they fulfil their ambitions
  • Collectively, our aims capture the essence of all that we do, and as a result, St Matthew Academy promotes and promises excellence for all members of our community

Personal development is interwoven through the curriculum, wider curriculum and through relationships”. Ofsted 2019

Our pupils are challenged to exceed academic expectations through hard work and dedication, under the guidance of our five characteristics of learning:

Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence, Persistence and Versatility.