Our first-ever Innovation Day!
On Thursday 17th November we were so excited to launch our first-ever Innovation day. Our innovation days complement our curriculum and are an opportunity for our pupils to immerse themselves in big ideas and issues through the arts. The theme of 'Our Community' was explored through a range of genres and activities. Now more than ever it is important for us to spend time thinking about our community and the contribution we all make as individuals to ensuring it is a safe, kind and positive environment.
The SMA community came together to create a large scale legacy pubic art piece titled 'Together we can fly'. Every child and adult in the Academy decorated a small butterfly beautifully, these will be collected and then displayed as one huge piece in the hall.
A group of talented year 8 dancers and year 7 artists worked together to create a beautiful quilt and dance piece titled 'togetherness' it was a delight to see the pupils so engaged in working together collaboratively.
Each class and form group created a communal art display for their classrooms, 'Footsteps to greatness' are self-portraits on slippers, sounds odd I know but the effect is stunning.
Our Year 8 Media scholars spent the day creating a short film titled 'We are...' many members of the community contributed to this film which we hope to finish editing this week so watch this space!