The Duke of Edinburgh Award

At St Matthew Academy we offer two levels of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh award scheme to our students. At year 9 students can start the Bronze award which helps them develop relationships, skills and resilience to take on future challenges and enable them to work upwards towards the Silver award in year 10.

Working through both levels also demonstrates the ability to persevere and apply oneself, both skills are valued by future employers and Universities alike.

The tables below show the minimum timescale for each level and section- candidates must be able to demonstrate at least regular commitment and activity during this time averaging 1 hour a week. It is not possible to achieve either award in a short burst over one weekend.


Age: 14+

Duration: A minimum of 6 months to complete the programme.   





3 months

3 months

3 months

Plan, train for and undertake 2 day, 1 night Expedition

All participants must undertake a further 3 months in either the Volunteering, Physical or Skills section.  

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Age: 15+

Duration: Minimum of 6 months to complete the Silver award if you have achieved the Bronze award or 12 months without having obtained the Bronze award.





6 months

One section for 6 months and the other section for 3 months

Plan, train for and undertake a 3 day, 2 night expedition

Direct entrants must undertake a further 6 months in either volunteering or the longer of the physical or skills section.

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Many local colleges and Universities offer the Gold award at post 16+ for more details and information please visit the D of E website –

Duke of Edinburgh Training evenings:

(Bronze) Group Mondays 3.15-5.00pm

(Silver) Group Fridays 3.00-4.00pm

At St Matthew Academy we have a small contingent of staff leaders who give up their time to train assist and mentor students through the award however we look for our students to develop characteristics of independence and self-reliance wherever possible.


Mr Saunders

Duke of Edinburgh Manager

St Matthew Academy