The Good Samaritan Mass
Pupils from SMA at St George's Cathedral
On Tuesday 24th April, St Matthew Academy had the pleasure of receiving an invitation from the Archbishop Peter Smith to celebrate the ‘Good Samaritan Mass’ at St George’s Cathedral, Southwark. This was the third annual ‘Good Samaritan Mass’, continuing the initiative of the Diocesan Education Commission and the Catholic Children’s Society.
It was the intention of Archbishop Peter Smith to gather pupils and staff from Catholic secondary schools across the Diocese together as one.
The focus was to celebrate the kindness and generosity that our pupils show in giving to different charitable causes, especially the Southwark Diocese ‘Crisis Fund’. St Matthew Academy have participated in charitable events leading up to Easter including a pupil Easter raffle in which £186 was raised.
A small group of pupils in Years 8 and 9 attended the mass with Mr Wanza. The pupils had never visited St George’s Cathedral and were awestruck by its beauty and magnitude. Pupils particularly enjoyed the collective worship, particularly the praise and worship. Dorcas in Year 9 commented “I’m glad I came to this mass, the collective worship was amazing, particularly the gospel choir. It reminds me of my church.”
The congregation witnessed angelic singing from a host of schools including the gospel choir from St Thomas the Apostle College. With the academic school year well and truly in full swing, it was imperative that schools within the Diocese of Southwark came together as a community to celebrate all of the charitable contributions made by pupils during the Lenten season.
The mass was delightful and the presence of the Holy Spirit evident in the church.
We look forward to a prosperous end to the academic year, knowing that we are tasked with developing the academic potential and the nature of the spirit which dwells within each of our pupils.