Screen Reduction Day
Recognising that both our pupils and staff have been working incredibly hard over this term with most of that time spent in front of a screen of some sort we planned a Screen Reduction day. The theme of the day was Reflect and Look Forward. Pupils were asked to write some poetry, create a Bucket List, interview one of their parents/carers, complete some baking, take part in some physical challenges and then finish with some quiet prayer and meditation. We hope this gave our pupils an opportunity to reflect on the difficult times they have already overcome and also remind them of all the great things they have to look forward to.
It was heartening to see pupils Bucket Lists that had events such as ‘Hug my Grandparents’ and ‘Visit my Friends’ included. Reminding us that the really important things are those that we may have previously taken for granted.
Pupils also got the opportunity to sit down with their parents and have a discussion beyond the normal day, where parents got to reflect on their school experience and pass on all the wisdom gained through an interview.
Check out our Twitter feed to see some of the fantastic pictures!